A fraternity at the University of Georgia has been suspended and is under investigation after a Black student posted screenshots to social media that show bigoted comments made in a group chat.
According to the New York Times, it all started on Sept. 4 when junior Arianna Mbunwe mocked a group of sorority sisters who were out at a bar and taking zero precautions to prevent COVID-19 spread despite recent news of a rise in infection cases at UGA.
The tweet captioned, “GETTING COVID-19 w the GIRLYS” included photos taken by the bargoers and posted to social media.
So obviously, we all know what happened next: The fine students at UGA saw Mbunwe’s post, immediately recognized the error in their ways and vowed to put on those masks, keep their distance from each other and avoid crowds from now on.
Nah, I’m bullshittin’—they decided to be racist as hell.
From the Times:
But it was a tip unrelated to masks or parties that led to the suspension of the university’s Lambda Chi Alpha chapter. Ms. Mbunwe, 20, who is Black, received screen shots of a group message that included members of the fraternity making racist statements about her.
“Definitely another black girl,” one person said. “Lord give me the strength to not call that woman a racial slur,” said another, according to the screen shots Ms. Mbunwe posted on Saturday.
“What a foul, miserable creature,” said a message attached to a photo of Ms. Mbunwe.
One person, whose user name was “Ghost of Aunt Jemima,” made a comment speculating about Ms. Mbunwe’s genitalia and said she was “mad she didn’t get a bid,” a reference to the selection process for sororities and fraternities.
Somebody probably should have warned the good folks at Lambda Chi Alpha about the way Black women pull receipts on that ass.
The fraternity’s national organization posted a statement to Twitter Monday saying “we unequivocally condemn any acts of homophobia, misogyny and racism,” and that the UGA chapter has been “immediately suspended.”
UGA also posted a statement saying pretty much the same thing but adding that the “matter is now being investigated by the University’s Equal Opportunity Office.”
Of course, the only issue there is that it turns out UGA’s Equal Opportunity Office appears to be pretty trash too, as an official there emailed Mbunwe essentially asking her how posts she’s made calling out racism are any different than that of white people being racist. Once again, receipts were provided.
More from the Times:
On Tuesday, Ms. Mbunwe shared on Twitter an email she received from the university’s Equal Opportunity Office, in which the office’s associate director, Kristopher Stevens, compared her tweets critical of “all white sororities” to the comments Ms. Mbunwe had reported to his office.
“It concerns me that you do not know the basic definition of discrimination,” Ms. Mbunwe said in an emailed reply to Mr. Stevens. “Further to my point you do not understand that reverse racism does not exist.”
In a text message to the Times on Tuesday, Mbunwe said that she wanted the students who were involved in the chat to be expelled and for the fraternity’s charter at the university to be revoked.
Lambda Chi Alpha’s general counsel, Lynn Chipperfield, said that whatever disciplinary action is taken against the students would depend on “the nature of what happened and who was involved.”