(The Root) — Not long ago, women of color started the trending topic #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen to discuss the ways in which women of color are often left out of feminism. Today, Fast Company reminded us why the hashtag is needed when it published its list of 25 of the smartest women on Twitter — which noticeably contained not a single black woman.
Black Twitter noticed — and noticed with a vengeance. The rest of the day was spent crafting the hashtag #SmartBlackWomenOfTwitter, doing what Fast Company apparently couldn't be bothered to do: listing and acknowledging smart women of color. Other sites noticed as well and were quick to get up their own lists of smart black lady tweeters. Soon enough, Fast Company published an update to its list, respectfully copping to its mistake and posting a list of 18 smart women of color.
The hashtag was a beautiful site to witness. With all the infighting and negativity that often rages on about black women on the Internet, seeing men and women of all backgrounds tip their hats to black women for their marvelous minds was very refreshing. It was popular enough to become a worldwide trending topic and is still going strong.
Check out some of the lovefest below, and if you're in the market for some smarties to follow, take a jaunt through the hashtag.
Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.