It seems that the machine is gnawing off its own arm.
If you can believe it: the head of Twitter’s Twitter account got hacked.
And of course, the posts were littered with racism and all kinds of vulgar foolishness—which has become commonplace on the addictive social media platform.
The tweets that went out from co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey’s verified account to his 4.2 million followers included messages using the “n-word” and making anti-Semitic remarks. One even suggested a bomb was planted at Twitter’s headquarters, and others asked for certain accounts to be unsuspended.

Some of the offensive tweets were left up for 30 minutes before finally being taken down.
According to the BBC, a company source confirmed that the hackers used a technique called “simswapping”(or “simjacking”) to take hold of Dorsey’s account.
The San Francisco based social media giant is investigating the matter and suspended the accounts of the hacker and their associates who retweeted the offensive messages.
Dorsey, who has been hacked in the past, gave his own company a “C” for “tech responsibility” just this past February while also admitting that the industry is not doing enough to combat abuse and misinformation online.
We see how well that’s working for them.