Twitter Campaigns for the GOP

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(The Root) — If there's one thing Twitter is good at, it's starting death rumors about celebrities who haven't died, and occasionally ones who have already died. If it's good at anything else, it's using smarts and satire to make fun of racist and otherwise oppressive things.

That's the treatment the Republican Party is getting right now. The hashtag #GOP2016Slogans highlights what detractors think are desperate sayings the GOP would have to come up with to win followers at this point, and also looks at some of the racist, sexist, homophobic things users think the party would say if it could.

Here are some of the funniest #GOP2016Slogans we found, but honestly, it's hard for us to tell which ones are serious and which ones are mocking. Good luck sorting them out!


Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.