Tweets of the Week: High-Top Fade Fail

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These tweets — on everything from The Help and Watch the Throne to the crop of GOP candidates and Mississippi hate crimes — capture the pop culture and political moments we'll remember (and some we'd rather forget) from this week:

Blair LM Kelley (@profblmkelley): Because the best way to start a conversation about race is by suggesting I watch a sugar coated white savior fantasy. :/

Ta-Nehisi Coates (@tanehisi) Re Allen West, "He still has a high-top fade. He's not leading me anywhere."


Cory Booker (@corybooker): Less than 1% of our community is responsible for 90% of the violence. We must focus on strategies beyond incarceration. More to come


Cord Jefferson (@cordjefferson): The cadre of thin white models in the back of the Maybach in the "Otis" vid really clarifies how Watch the Throne is a black power album. :(


Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan): Can you imagine Michele Bachmann running this country? Or, Rick Perry? For all the grandstanding, the GOP/TPs should be embarrassed as hell.

Awkward Black Girl (@awkwardblkgrl): That awkward moment when you politely ask a co-worker how they're doing, they say "bad," and you don't follow up … because you don't care. 


Kai Wright (@Kai_Wright): "Reverse Racism" thrown around in ugly Miss. hate crime. Gotta say again, power, not prejudice drives racism @colorlines

Mark Knoller (@markknoller) The Galesburg football team offered up its team cheer for Pres Obama. "Win the Day" they shouted. "That's what I say every day," said Obama.


Cornel West (@CornelWest): Brother @TavisSmiley and I believe that poor brothers and sisters of all races must come together. #povertytour

In other news: VIDEO: Michele vs. Michelle.