Apparently, black people are racist.
I didn’t know I was a racist until recently, but luckily, the great people of white America took their long history of racial awareness and benevolence toward people of color to show us the light. Lately, the jujitsu of reverse racism has manifested itself in the ugliest, most virulent form imaginable:
The word “wypipo.”
If you look in the comments section anytime the phrase is used on the internet, you will find accusations of racism—even when it is based on actual fact. Apparently, it is OK to make political policy based on an infinitesimally small number of immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries whose citizens have never committed an act of terror on American soil, but pointing out the statistically accurate fact that white people still support Trump is an act of prejudice. If you dare speak of the available data and facts to show the disposition of white America, you, too, can witness the privileged pushback that can be summed up in one statement: “Not me. I’m white, and I’m not like that, therefore you’re just a racist.”
Apparently, Donald Trump is a racist.
On Tuesday night, Mr. Sweet Potato Head addressed a joint session of Congress to lay out his agenda for the country. Embedded among his stiff-arming his responsibility as commander in chief, his spectacular plan to create a magical health care system and his continued contorting to pat himself on the back for winning the election was an off-putting, “alt-right” dog whistle addressed to one group of Americans:
Trump did not talk to all of the country Tuesday night. He spoke to the conservative-base, middle-American Caucasians with whom his support lies. He didn’t even talk to them. He whispered to them. He talked in hushed tones, hoping that the minorities and underclass didn’t hear him. He gave the most racist speech ever. He gave a speech for white people.
Maybe he knows that the people he excluded or vilified don’t have the privilege, means or numbers to raise their voices in America’s comments section like wypipo. The people who can’t wait until the end of the year for a health care tax credit can’t send him an angrily worded tweet. The vast majority of “illegals” who work, pay taxes and take care of their families are too preoccupied with survival to act like the pussy-hat-wearers who voted for Hillary and print T-shirts that say “Not This White Woman.” The millions of American Muslims who practice their religion peacefully don’t have the option of showing outrage and pointing out that they aren’t terrorists. The educated black people raising families can’t put their fingers in the president’s face and say “How dare he” paint them as uneducated criminals.
Only wypipo can do that. That’s why black people don’t clog up the internet when Trump, Republicans and white America equate poverty, crime and ghettos with being black. It’s why Mexican Americans don’t make a stink when conservatives give a 10-minute applause break for a border wall. It’s why he can denigrate Muslims, Hispanics, black people, the poor and every nonwhite group in front of the people elected to represent this country with no repercussions. If any of those groups lived with the privilege of wypipo, someone would have screamed at Trump when he spoke of the hordes of marauding Mexicans or the lawless Chicago streets. But only a white guy could get away with yelling, “You lie” during a presidential address.
Even though he was speaking to wypipo, I know that not every single white person supports the orange agenda, just as I do not claim to speak for every black person who uses “the w-word.” I don’t even speak for every writer at The Root, but for me, the word “wypipo” is a mirror. It is a tool of sarcasm. I like how upset white people get when they are painted with such a broad brush. It is beautiful in its revelatory powers.
But I also understand why you think it is unfair to lump you in with the “alt-right” racists, Trump supporters and xenophobes. I would guess that it is pretty disheartening to read or hear when you are genuinely trying to make an effort to reach out with understanding. Seeing some idiotic, anonymous person repeatedly use it day after day can be disheartening.
Now imagine the leader of the free world, standing in front of your country, talking about you like that.