The president of the United States is a...
At this point I want to be outraged but the president of the United States is a joke and he’s exactly what racist white men and 53 percent of white women wanted in office.
He’s all the negative things I could think of to describe him.
All of them.
He’s a bully, a xenophobe, a racist, a tyrant, a dictator. He’s all of the things and none of that is stopping him nor changing those who believe in him. So this is where we are.
There is a side of the media that believes that you can’t possibly cover all of the ridiculous stunts that the president pulls. Then there is another side that says you have to. I believed in the latter; lately, I’m thinking of the former.
My son is almost 2 years old. Whenever company comes over and my son wants to impress them, he goes into a full display of all the things he can do. He runs, he dances, he recites the parts of the alphabet that he knows, he sings the few words to songs that he knows, and he counts from one to 10. He does this all for attention. He does this for applause.
The president of the United States uses Twitter in the same way that my son does to get attention; he throws all of the derogatory shit that he can and waits to see what sticks. He waits to see what racists enjoy and then he does it again, and again and again.
Literally, no one:
Not one person:
Trump Monday morning:
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely believe that he feels this way, but I also believe that he’s doing this for the applause. Trump is a racist showman. He’s a xenophobic P.T. Barnum. It’s part of the reason he keeps tweeting and rallying because he only feels comfortable being out front.
Sure, we could break this tweet down and note that Trump has a thing for attacking women of color and consistently attacking their intelligence. We’ve seen this before. He also is doing the thing where he blames everyone for policy that he’s enacted. We could talk about how “the Squad”—made up of Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) Ayanna Pressley (Mass.)—scares the president and his cronies so much that he has to resort to racist attacks like telling them “go back” to their home countries. But Trump calling someone, anyone, racist is the “orange pot of sherbet” calling the sorbet “orange.” Trump has had success in dividing the country; he’s emboldened racists much like Rocky emboldened Italians as explained in Eddie Murphy’s Raw.
But it’s also tiring. At this point, the president is all the names. All of them. And he’s getting worse. It’s every morning with this guy, and unless one of his staffers is bold enough to run into the presidential bathroom to snatch the phone from his tiny fingers, we can expect more of this in the days, weeks and months to come.