Trumpcare Pulled Because Like the President, the Bill Hates Old and Poor People

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Trumpcare got all dressed up with no place to go. President Orange Assclown pulled his shitty health care bill at the eleventh hour because it was so bad that even House Republicans couldn’t get behind it. After all this huffing and puffing, and seven years of Republicans swearing that they would get rid of Obamacare, the horrible bill introduced by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and championed by President TrumPutin didn’t do anything other than fizzle out.

And I don’t think we can ignore this: Obamacare just punched Trumpcare in the face. Obamacare just kicked Trumpcare in the stomach and then slammed it into the canvas! It’s like Trumpcare was coming down the aisle all cocky and then, bam! I just got sent exclusive video of Obamacare confronting Trumpcare in Congress.

See below:


No word on whether the bill will be reintroduced, but as it stands, Trumpcare is crying on his bed trying to figure out why no one likes him.

I also have footage of TrumPutin leaving the White House after pulling the bill (OK, so it isn’t footage; it’s a photo of this moron in a big truck):