This might be the most disturbing video to come out about Donald Trump yet—and that's saying a lot, considering recently leaked footage that has the Republican presidential nominee making sexually aggressive comments.
Recently released footage of a 1992 Entertainment Tonight Christmas segment shows a then-46-year-old Trump talking to a group of girls going up the escalator in Trump Tower in New York City.
Trump can be heard asking one of the young girls if she's "going up the escalator." When the girl replies, "Yeah," Trump turns to the camera and says: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?"
CBS News notes that this isn't the first time Trump has made inappropriate comments regarding young women. In 2006 he made a similar comment about his own daughter, Ivanka Trump: "I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her," Trump said.
The footage release comes the same day as a BuzzFeed exclusive about reports that some five women have come forward saying that Trump entered a teen-pageant dressing room while the girls were getting dressed.
"It was certainly the most inappropriate time to meet us all for the first time," said Victoria Hughes, the former Miss New Mexico Teen USA, told the news site. "The youngest girl was 15, and I was the eldest at 19."
A recording from The Howard Stern Show that was released Saturday by CNN has Trump, who owned the Miss Teen USA pageant along with Miss USA and Miss Universe from 1996 until last year, boasting about going into the women's dressing room during pageants while "everyone’s getting dressed."
"No men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it,” Trump said in 2005, BuzzFeed reports. "‘Is everyone OK?’ You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody OK?’ And you see these incredible-looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that."
Trump has not addressed the teen-pageant allegations, but his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, had only this to say when asked about a 2001 Miss USA contestant from Arizona who also alleged that Trump walked into her pageant’s dressing room while women were changing: "I can’t comment on what she’s saying because I’m not her and I wasn’t in the pageant or any other pageant," she told CNN. "What she described was pretty graphic and detailed, so let’s not conflate the two."
View the footage here.