On Tuesday, the president of people who buy jogging baby strollers said he’s not “happy” with a bipartisan agreement to prevent a government shutdown that provides $1.375 billion for fencing and other physical barriers along the Southern border, far less than the $5.7 billion the president has demanded in previous negotiations.
“I don’t think you’re going to see a shutdown,” Trump told reporters at the White House, NBC News reports. “If you did have it, it’s the Democrats fault.”
Trump also continued his lie that the wall is being built despite negations for the wall’s funding still being undecided, and despite several reports that no wall is being built.
Trump continues to claim that all options are on the table when it comes to his dumb-ass wall that no one wants, including declaring a national emergency, which would just be held up in a legal fight because something tells me creating mythical tales about crazy caravans of ravenous, drug smuggling, Mexicans won’t hold up as an actual national emergency.
Trump initially crossed his arms like a grown man-baby and declared that he wasn’t budging until he received all the money to build his Lego wall. Democrats promptly told him that wasn’t happening, and the result was the longest partial government shutdown in U.S. history. For 35 days, the government was at a standstill while the president sulked about not getting funding for his dumb-ass wall. With the deadline for another potential shutdown looming, many see this new bipartisan agreement as a compromise that will hopefully placate the president like a Big Mac-filled pacifier.
“We’ll take as much money as [Congress] can give us, and then we will go off and find the money someplace else legally in order to secure that southern barrier,” acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told Fox News Sunday.
Which basically means that the White House is going to continue to ram this damn border wall down America’s throats because someone has to stop the deadly caravan of Mexican dune buggies that can convert to robots that shoot automatic weapons.
Below is footage released by the White House of the deadly caravans looking to invade the Southern border.