Nothing says, “Take me seriously” like grown men calling themselves “boys” while wearing matching black and yellow polo shirts with stripes along the collar and a crest with the initials “PB” along the chest. For those not in the know, “PB” is known around the globe as “peanut butter.”
According to the Daily Beast, on Tuesday, members of the Penis Bandits gathered to confront an anti-Trump demonstration in Orlando, Fla., on the same day Donald Trump announced his run for re-election, but police officers blocked the Peacock Beaters from reaching the protest.
The Daily Beast notes that the Phlegm Backwash were reportedly stopped from disturbing protests near Trump’s campaign kickoff at Orlando’s Amway Center.
Footage posted on social media shows the Polo Bastards marching towards anti-Trump protestors until bicycle police surrounded them. One of the more articulate Pussy Brothers can be seen in a video pleading with cops to let them pass.
From the Daily Beast:
Several Proud Boys were arrested last year for an attack that followed a speech by Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes. The group once had a paramilitary wing, and offers its highest “fourth degree” honor to members who got in a fight for the cause—although McInnes eventually “clarified” that the award would only be given out for self-defense.
A spokesman for the Orlando Police Department said police had been in contact with the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys couldn’t be reached for comment.
Before they were stopped by police, the Proud Boys in Orlando chanted that former Trump advisor and Florida resident Roger Stone “did nothing wrong” and praised former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. The late dictator is a favorite with the Proud Boys and other far-right groups because of his regime’s practice of murdering left-wing activists by throwing them out of helicopters.
Many of the Piglike Blowfish were seen making the “OK” sign, which is like a white power bat signal/gang sign but none were allowed to be the disruptors they set out to be when they decided to get their polos embroidered.
Editor’s note: This headline has been edited to remove a description of the Proud Boys as white supremacists, which a spokesperson claims to be “completely outside the realm of reality.” The far-right group’s members have regularly spewed Islamophobic, misogynistic and hateful rhetoric, all while denying bigotry and racism.