Trump Shows That in His Mind, Only White Men Deserve the Benefit of the Doubt

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In President Donald Trump’s latest edition of “White Men Are Soooo Persecuted,” more than a few folks clapped back against his seeming raison d’être (protecting the feelings and asses of said white men).

On Saturday the president tweeted that “[p]eoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation,” referring to the resignations of former White House staff secretary Rob Porter and speechwriter David Sorensen following allegations of domestic abuse.

Trump added: “Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused - life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?”


That’s right—our pussy-grabbing, disrespectful-ass hypocrite in chief is giving not one, but two alleged domestic abusers the benefit of the doubt, but clearly has none of that magnanimity when it comes to immigrants, Hillary Clinton, Guantanamo Bay detainees, or black and Hispanic kids accused of rape—those who, in the president’s mind (if you want to call it that), are guilty as sin.


It almost sounds like that same equivocation the president expressed toward the violence at the Charlottesville, Va., white supremacist march in August 2017, when mostly white men were clearly the aggressors. IQ 45 just can’t seem to imagine how, in any face-off, white men aren’t somehow victims.


The facts were clear in this case: Sources told CNN that White House chief of staff John Kelly knew for months about claims that Porter physically and emotionally battered two ex-wives, yet didn’t conduct an internal investigation. Even though it was widely known among Trump’s top aides that Porter’s ex-wives claimed that he had abused them, “his star continued to rise.”


But Trump still stands with his brethren.


Twitter, on the other hand, was quick to point out the president’s hypocrisy. The official responses came mainly from female legislators:


Then there was everybody else ...


... including a response from one of the Central Park Five, against whom Trump notoriously took out a full-page ad calling for the death penalty. Meanwhile, when DNA evidence eventually found them not guilty of rape, Trump still declared them guilty.


Guess due process applies only to (guilty) white guys.