First, you have to understand how the law works: Remember when those white boys chased down Ahmaud Arbery and shot him for not burglarizing a home? Technically, they were “concerned citizens” chasing a “suspected burglar” to make a citizen’s arrest. According to police, Breonna Taylor was a “suspected drug trafficker.” George Floyd was “resisting.”
Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.), on the other hand, aren’t thieves; they were simply using a chaotic situation to their advantage. Pharmaceutical executives aren’t “drug dealers.” Michael Flynn wasn’t “resisting arrest” when he lied to prosecutors to resist being arrested.
So, when Donald Trump filed a lawsuit with Wisconsin’s Supreme Court on Tuesday, for the first time since Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Black voters came together to whip him like he stole something (an election, perhaps), Trump officially accused the Black voters of committing voter fraud. But, according to the suit, only the Black people voted illegally. And, according to the lawsuit, they cheated by doing the exact same thing as white voters.
Politico reports:
The Trump campaign’s suit, which was filed in the state Supreme Court on Tuesday morning, targets roughly 221,000 ballots cast in two heavily Democratic counties, Milwaukee and Dane, which encompass the majority of Wisconsin’s Black residents. The president previously targeted those two counties for the recount his campaign requested.
The ballots the Trump campaign is seeking to have tossed fall into four buckets, according to a copy of the lawsuit circulated by the Trump campaign: 170,000 in-person absentee ballots, 5,500 ballots that had some witness address missing, 28,400 ballots from voters who claimed they were “indefinitely confined” and 17,300 ballots returned during “Democracy in the Park” events hosted by the city of Madison.
According to the Journal Sentinel, Trump essentially alleges that four groups of people shouldn’t have been allowed to vote:
- People who didn’t include their address on their ballot: Wisconsin allows poll workers to write in the address if they know the person or if the voter rolls match all other information.
- “Indefinitely Confined” voters: There was a rumor that people could vote via absentee ballot by classifying themselves as “indefinitely confined” during the COVID-19 pandemic. A court eventually said this was wrong, but thousands voted this way. Do you know who started the rumor? The people who run the elections!
- Anyone who attended “Democracy in the Park”: The city hosted events where official poll workers collected absentee ballots. Trump says this was illegal.
- In person-early voters: Technically, voters are supposed to fill out an application to vote early and mail it in. But, for more than a decade, voters have been allowed to come in, fill out the application and then vote on the spot. Trump claims this is wrong.
All of these claims are solid arguments to contest votes. But that’s not what Trump is doing. He doesn’t want the state to toss votes from the whiter, more conservative counties. He’s arguing that it should only happen in the counties where Black people live.
It is also important to note that, while Trump has contested votes in other states’ majority-minority counties, he’s always contested the certifications or the procedures, not the votes. In Wayne County, Mich., for instance, Trump argued that his poll watchers weren’t allowed to be close enough to the vote counters (he lost). But in this specific case, he’s saying that he’s perfectly fine with white people breaking the law, but not the negro voters.
After Trump’s legal team from the Barnum and Bailey Law School filed the claim, another Trump ally weighed in on these election fraud claims. Attorney General William Barr spoke to a reporter and, of course, you know Barr is gonna back his daddy Trump. I haven’t even read the AP report, but it says:
Barr said U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but they’ve uncovered no evidence that would change the outcome of the election. Barr was headed to the White House later for a previously scheduled meeting.
“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the AP.
The comments are especially direct coming from Barr, who has been one of the president’s most ardent allies. Before the election, he had repeatedly raised the notion that mail-in voter fraud could be especially vulnerable to fraud during the coronavirus pandemic as Americans feared going to polls and instead chose to vote by mail.
Shortly after Barr’s statement was published, Trump tweeted out more baseless claims of voter fraud. And his attorney Rudy Giuliani and his campaign issued a scathing statement claiming that, “with all due respect to the Attorney General, there hasn’t been any semblance” of an investigation.
Wait, what?
Do you know how wrong you have to be for MAGA Martin Prince to say you’re wrong? This is like Diamond calling out Silk! This is worse than Candace Owens rejecting (insert name of white person here). It’s like Dr. Umar Sanders rejecting the teachings of the great black educator Dr. Umar Johnson. Everything is spinning out of control!
Oh wait, Trump still hates Black people, and Republicans are still trying to steal our votes.
My bad. False alarm.
Court is adjourned.