Donald Trump is a liar.
Donald Trump is racist.
Trump is also a Republican. He is a stupid, xenophobic, Islamophobic, white nationalist who enjoys tweeting, inciting hate and making shit up. While this may sound like a condemnation of the marmalade-skinned, white supremacist simpleton currently occupying the White House, he actually deserves accolades. Because no matter what you may think of the 45th President of the United States, on rare occasions he displays an unrivaled ability to demonstrate hate, bigotry, stupidity and his party’s predilection for telling a goddamn lie all in one tweet.
Even after alleged mass murderers have explicitly and repeatedly stated that Donald Trump’s words have inspired their killing sprees, Twitter has informed us all that they don’t give a fuck. So, on Wednesday morning, Donald Trump woke up and decided to show the world what he’s made of by using the presidential Twitter account to spread an Islamophobic, racist, dangerous lie that would get anyone else kicked off of the platform.
Trump shared a tweet from low-wattage pseudo-comedian Terrance K. Williams, who is so desperate for attention that he has replaced Diamond and Silk as Trump’s favorite negro dingbat. Williams’ now-deleted tweet falsely accused Rep.Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) of dancing on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

It should be noted that Donald Trump’s original plans for commemorating 9/11 included a cookout at Camp David with the Taliban, who rejected the president’s invitation to eat Melania’s tasteless potato salad in the luxurious, taxpayer-funded retreat on the anniversary of the heinous mass murder. Apparently, the Presidential terrorist barbecue was the living manifestation of his mantra that there are good people on “both sides.”
The attack on Omar, who is Muslim, is reminiscent of another Trump whopper that claims he saw Muslims dancing in celebration immediately after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center; a claim that won Politifact’s “Pant’s on Fire” ranking, which is the equivalent of an Olympic gold medal in bullshittery.
Or maybe it is racist. The video was taken during the Congressional Black Caucus’ Annual Legislative Conference two days after the anniversary of 9/11 and Omar is a black woman who was dancing to a song by a black woman. Plus, she was on-beat, which probably riled the ire of many people in Trump’s base.
Or perhaps it was just a Republican dog-whistle. Trump lost Minnesota to Hillary Clinton by 1.5 percentage points, so he might be trying to motivate his white, suburban base. Omar noted that Trump was putting her life at risk in a tweet admonishing Twitter for co-signing the president’s dangerous fearmongering.
Although CBS affiliate WCCO called the claim “false,” noting that the video “appears” to be from Sept. 13, I can personally attest that the accusation is untrue.
How would I know?.
Here’s a picture of the Congresswoman and me at 7 p.m. on the evening of September 10. Notice the orange headwrap.

Here’s a picture I snapped of her on the evening of September 11. Notice the white headwrap.

And here’s a picture I took on the evening of September 13, about an hour and fifteen minutes before the video of dancing was recorded. Notice the black headwrap and the necklace that also appears in the video.

“This is much bigger than a one-day flare up on Twitter,” said Progressive Change Campaign Committee chairman Adam Green, who first tweeted the video of Omar two-stepping to Lizzo. “Misinformation will fly wildly throughout 2020—which could spark violence or change election results— unless platforms like Twitter make clear there will be accountability for politicians who spread the lies.”
Noting that the president’s tweet is still garnering hundreds of hateful comments, Green is calling on Twitter to suspend Trump’s account, using the same precedent the social media platform set when they suspended Mitch McConnell’s campaign account for posting a threatening video.
“There is no gray area in this case,” Green said in an email to The Root. “It’s an open and shut case, so Twitter has it’s strongest possible grounding to take action and set a precedent everyone notices.”
But maybe Donald Trump is stupid. Stupid people believe anything they see, so the man in charge of the most thorough intelligence and investigative organization on earth probably didn’t bother to verify the date of the video in question. How was he supposed to know? Everyone knows he’s bad with numbers...
And words...
And facts, logic, truth, reality, intelligence, women, black people, religions, music, reading, writing, spelling, geography, maps, weather, drawing on weather maps, drawing conclusions, and not acting like a fart-filled, vacuous bag of privilege and pussy-grabbing.
Aside from that, he’s pretty competent.
In fact, here’s a picture of the talented Donald Trump from that same evening: