At this point, it should be clear that our president has a little lying problem (and by “little,” I mean “uuuuuuge”).
And, as everybody raised with a black mama knows, “If you lie, you steal, and if you steal, you kill” (which never really made sense to me as a child, but it seems totally appropriate with Donald Trump—that is, actions by a person with no moral code can quickly devolve into chaos and murder).
Anywho, President Trump tweeted Friday that he turned down a potential offer to be Time magazine’s Person of the Year after, he wrote, the magazine told him he would “PROBABLY” be given the honor.
Now, this is the man who was busted about having fake Time covers in his golf clubs (which the mag asked him to remove), and so, of course, he was first checked by Time itself, which said the president was “incorrect,” and then by Time Inc.’s chief content officer, who said there wasn’t a “speck of truth” in Trump’s tweet.
The former editor of Time also got in on it:
And then our dear president was dragged for filth by the celebs, including Luke Skywalker. And my Saturday was made.
Time to tell the truth, eh?