Trump Administration Kills Michelle Obama’s ‘Let Girls Learn’ Program

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Unlike Melania Trump, Michelle Obama really did stuff as the first lady. She pushed an initiative promoting fitness and healthy eating for kids called “Let’s Move!” She also started the Reach Higher Initiative, which encouraged students to continue their education beyond high school.

In 2015, President Barack Obama and the first lady launched Let Girls Learn, a federal-government initiative to help girls in developing countries around the world go to school and stay in school. It was not only an attempt to help girls whose educational needs might be overlooked, but also an opportunity to empower those young women.

Well, the evil king has seen enough, and this raggedy-ass administration is doing away with Let Girls Learn because it is demented and vile. CNN reports that the program will cease operation immediately, according to an internal document that was sent to Peace Corps employees.


“Moving forward, we will not continue to use the ‘Let Girls Learn’ brand or maintain a stand-alone program,” the email sent to Peace Corps employees this week by the agency’s acting director, Sheila Crowley, read. Let Girls Learn was an intergovernmental initiative run by the Peace Corps and the U.S. Agency for International Development.


“‘Let Girls Learn’ provided a platform to showcase Peace Corps’ strength in community development, shining a bright light on the work of our Volunteers all over the world,” Crowley wrote. “We are so proud of what ‘Let Girls Learn’ accomplished and we have all of you to thank for this success.”


A spokesman for the Peace Corps told CNN on Monday that the agency would continue its efforts to promote girls’ education.

Read more at CNN.