My mother is my everything. Everything from my personality and smile to my resistance to oppression is all because of my mommy. Aside from my sister, she’s my biggest cheerleader. She’s been there through my highs and my lows and has always made sure I remembered how worthy I am to occupy any space that I enter. I cannot fathom a world without her.
Katrina Taylor, also known as the Baddest B*tch Trina, lost her mother on Sept. 2 to an ongoing fight with breast cancer. Before her mother’s passing, Trina took to Instagram to share just how much she loved and appreciated the woman who ushered her into this world. In a heartfelt caption, The Baddest referred to her mother as her strength, her weakness, her reason for never giving up. According to the caption, her mother was her everything. Even Stevie Wonder could see just how strong their bond was, so it goes without any form of shock that she would be devastated over her passing.
Trina’s loss hit pretty her hard and those emotions were apparent at the ONE Musicfest in Atlanta. It was unclear whether The Baddest was going to be in attendance, but she showed up and showed out. Fighting through a sea of tears, Trina got on that stage and reminded us why she held her infamous moniker. Song after song she pushed through her pain to give her fans the show many traveled far and wide to see. She did not disappoint. “I do this for my fans, y’all are my heart,” said the rapper as she reminded us all that she had an ass that was big as the sun. If you don’t get that line, please leave this article, go to google and come back when you’re educated on her immaculate discography.
Even with her immense loss, she got on that stage and gave a show that made standing in Atlanta’s sweltering heat worth it. Undoubtedly her mother is looking down on her smiling with pride, knowing that she raised a resilient daughter. The strength that Trina displayed on that stage is a continued testament to the fact that black women are some of the strongest people God has ever created.