Tony Mack, the mayor of New Jersey's capital city, was arrested on Monday by the FBI on corruption charges. According to USA Today, the Trenton politician was allegedly conspiring, along with his brother Ralphiel and convicted sex offender Joseph Giorgianni, to "obstruct, delay and affect interstate commerce by extortion."
Federal prosecutors allege Mack, 46, agreed to use his influence in connection with a proposed parking garage project. Trenton, with a population of 85,000, is the capital of New Jersey.
Authorities say the defendants received $54,000 and anticipated accepting another $65,000 from a cooperating witness who purported to be a developer, the AP reports.
The federal complaint says that Mack, who was elected mayor in 2010, is also known as "Napoleon" and "the Little Guy."
According to the document, which says the FBI investigation began two years ago, Giorgianni is heard in wiretapped conversations as saying, "I can be bought" and "I like money so much, I hate the poor."
Read more at USA Today.