Sybrina Fulton, the mother of the late Trayvon Martin, spoke with Jet magazine about what Mother's Day will be like without her son. Martin was fatally shot on Feb. 26 by neighborhood-watch man George Zimmerman, who has said he acted in self-defense. Most recently Zimmerman, who has been charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Trayvon, pleaded not guilty to those charges this week.
Jet reports:
My son was very affectionate. He used to curl up next to me while I watched television. He would meet me at the door when I came home from work and ask about my day. We had a special relationship.
Sometimes I just miss simple things, like taking him to school. This gave us time to talk about the day or our plans for the weekend.
The last time I saw Trayvon alive, he gave me a kiss and told me he'd see me when he got back, and that he loved me. And I told him the same thing. I never could've imagined my son would be taken away from me this soon. I thought we'd take more trips together — he loved to travel — and of course, more Mother's Days.
Read Sybrina Fulton's entire interview at Jet.
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