A Virginia school district has implemented a new policy requiring transgender students to submit “evidence” to school officials so that they can use the bathroom that aligns with their gender of choice, according to NBC News. These documents include disciplinary and criminal records. What does that have to do with going to the bathroom? No idea.
Gender identity has become a political playground, forcing LGBT students to censor who they are because a group of whiney parents are paranoid about the “gay agenda.” Like many school districts, Hanover County School Board has fallen victim to the pressure. Per NBC’s report, trans students have to provide the school with documents to justify being able to use the bathroom corresponding to their new gender. They must also provide a statement specifying their gender, a parent or guardian’s letter as well as a doctor’s note confirming the student has gender dysphoria.
So basically, if you’re a trans student the school says, “prove it.”
Read more about the policy from the Richmond Times-Dispatch:
Before the vote to pass the policy, Chickahominy District representative Bob Hundley suggested amending it to strike the portion related to what he called a “criminal background check.”
Only three board members voted to amend the policy to strike the language about criminal records: Hundley, Vice Chair Bob May and Ola J. Hawkins.
“Keep in mind that if we’re considering where, for example, a biological boy is going to be allowed access to the girls bathroom and there is [criminal activity] in their background that relates to this type of situation, we [should] know about that,” said board member George E. Sutton. “I think other people want to know about that.”
Hundley said he wants to work with interest groups going forward to make the policy better.
Their concern for student’s safety is valid, however, it does stem from the perpetuated stigma that LGBT individuals are creepy predators. This summer, a number of drag book readings and family-friendly LGBT events were bombarded with white supremacist homophobes worried about the children being “corrupted.”
If you need any further convincing of where these horrid ideologies come from, check out this statement from the school board chair.
“If I’m gonna be letting a biological male or female, in either direction OK, I would want to make sure that we know ahead of time that they don’t have any ulterior intent. Our overall concern truly is all the children,” said John Axselle.
The concern isn’t the children at large if you’re only targeting the queer ones. A report from GLSEN found this is a common issue and product of bullying and discrimination from both their peers and school officials. About 60 percent of trans students are forced to use a bathroom and locker room that doesn’t align with their gender. We know how cruel kids can be. A trans girl stuck in the boys locker room is a nightmare.
The ACLU of Virginia filed a lawsuit with Hanover County Circuit Court on behalf of five families because of the school’s failure to protect their trans students. The suit cites incidents regarding the bathrooms.
“The lack of a clear, district-wide policy means that my son does everything he can to avoid using the restroom at all. These laws exist for a reason: to protect my son and so many others. He deserves to feel safe at school,” said plaintiff Kelly Merrill.