Tracy Morgan Jokes: Trump Has a Black Son in Harlem

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As a guest on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, comedian Tracy Morgan couldn't pass up the chance to respond to a segment involving the news that Donald Trump has sent investigators to Hawaii to look into Barack Obama's birth.

Morgan had a message for Trump: "I just want to reply to the Donald Trump thing … Donald, I got [Obama's birth] certificate. It ain't in Hawaii, it's in Brooklyn. Come and get it if you want to see it."

Then Morgan joked that he had people investigating Trump, and his investigators had discovered that Trump had fathered a child in Harlem that he doesn't acknowledge. "Little black boy with blue eyes and hair that go like this," was how Morgan described Trump's illegitimate son. "Come see that boy. Come see that boy, Donald." Watch the hilarious video below:

Trump, of course, still refuses to acknowledge all the reasonable sources — including the state of Hawaii, the State Department and even many Republicans — who are completely satisfied by the president's Certificate of Live Birth that he was born in the United States (read all the details at FactCheck).


Since you certainly can’t reason with this guy, there's definitely some comfort in enjoying a laugh at his expense.

Read more at AOL TV.

In other news: Congress Sends Budget Deal to Obama's Desk.