Last year, 147 Republican lawmakers voted against certifying the election results that declared President Joe Biden our new commander-in-chief, while declaring y’all’s ex-President Donald Trump the commander-in-nothing-but-Twitter-bans-and-failed-blogs.
Now, you have to believe one of two things: Either lawmakers were stupid enough to believe that voting machines were rigged to abracadabra Trump votes into Biden votes; that The Army of the Dead represented a huge voting block for the Democratic electorate; and that all of this fraud that couldn’t be substantiated through dozens of court cases conveniently happened in voting precincts in largely Black and Democratic cities—or those lawmakers voted to cancel democracy over what they knew was a lie.
Don’t get me wrong; I’ve damn near made a career out of expressing all the reasons I do believe that right-wingers are fundamentally stupid, but I bet these legislators knew that they were voting to cheat and to willfully disenfranchise voters based on obvious propaganda, and that’s why no corporations should be donating money to any of them.
Of course, somebody should probably tell Toyota that.
According to Axios, the Japanese automobile manufacturer has donated at least $55,000 to 37 Republicans who voted against certifying the 2020 election results. Based on data compiled by watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, it’s been determined that nearly three-dozen corporations have donated at least $5,000 to Republicans who wanted to use legally cast Detroit and Philadelphia votes as toilet paper for their irritable bowel syndrome. However, none of those companies have made it rain on those who wanted to “stop the steal” by stealing a non-stolen election like Toyota has. In fact, according to Axios, “Toyota gave more than twice as much—and to nearly five times as many members of Congress—as the No. 2 company on the list, Cubic Corp., a San Diego-based defense contractor.”
The car company even donated to Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, who is a vocal voter fraud conspiracy theorist and alleged co-organizer of the very “stop the steal” event that turned into the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, which was either an attempted overthrow of the U.S. government or a Revolutionary War reenactment performed by every non-Black character from South Park. (Biggs has denied being a co-organizer of the event.)
What could Toyota’s excuse possibly be for putting money in the pockets of insurrection-adjacent lawmakers who wanted to use legally cast Black and Latino votes as Monopoly money for white supremacist game night?
Apparently, Toyota doesn’t believe politicians should be judged by, well, the things they do.
“Toyota supports candidates based on their position on issues that are important to the auto industry and the company,” a Toyota spokesperson told Axios in a statement. “We do not believe it is appropriate to judge members of Congress solely based on their votes on the electoral certification.”
Yeah, but why not?
I mean, this wasn’t some regular-degular congressional vote that happens every other Tuesday over some non-impactful “we can agree to disagree” type of issue—this was the unprecedented move by Republican legislators to vote against certifying presidential election results based on a voter fraud narrative that was supported by zero evidence.
Anyway, the company tried to cover its ass a little bit by adding that “based on our thorough review, we decided against giving to some members who, through their statements and actions, undermine the legitimacy of our elections and institutions.” Of course, Toyota didn’t specify which members it decided to take off its GoFundMe list or why all 147 of those members aren’t among those who can’t get any of its money. You’re telling me that “statements and actions” that undermine the election process cross the line, but lawmakers get a pass on casting actual votes that do the same thing? Does a vote not count as an action?
I’m just saying, this isn’t a good look. Some people don’t deserve anyone’s money and donating to them can do more harm than good.