After several delays, motions filed, and all-around foolishness in a case that’s caused division both inside and outside of the hip-hop community, rapper Tory Lanez has been officially sentenced to 10 years in prison in the shooting case of Megan Thee Stallion.
According to legal affairs and trials journalist Meghann Cuniff, who was present at Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday, prior to handing down the sentence, present members heard arguments from both the prosecutorial and the defense team. Judge Herriford also questioned Deputy DA Kathy Ta on whether or not sentencing Lanez to a 10-year sentence as opposed to the 13-year sentence prosecutors were seeking was “appropriate.” Ta leaned towards the 13-years, citing the fact that under California State law, the “LUV” rapper—legally Daystar Peterson—wouldn’t serve the full sentence anyway, just about 85%.
As noted by the AP, the judge did not consider Lanez a threat to public safety and acknowledged the fact that the Canadian rapper had no “significant criminal record.” However, the judge also dismissed the defense’s argument that their client was suffering from PTSD (due to losing his mother at age 11) and alcohol abuse as the team didn’t meet the “legal standard” for either disorder to be established.
In handing down his ruling, Judge Herriford said: “Sometimes good people do bad things. Actions have consequences, and there are no winners in this case.”
Lanez also spoke before his sentencing, describing Megan as a “friend” and “someone I still care for dearly to this day.” As it relates to the shooting itself, Lanez said: “I said some very immature things that I shouldn’t have said. I revealed some secrets I shouldn’t have revealed.”
As previously reported by The Root, during Day One of the hearing, over 70 letters of support for Lanez—including one from fellow rapper Iggy Azalea, a jailer, the jail chaplain and Lanez’s own six-year-old son—were briefly read in court. Lanez’s father, Sonstar Peterson, also apologized for his in-court outburst when his son was initially convicted back in December 2022.
The judge also agreed on two of the three aggravating factors the prosecutorial team previously cited as their reasoning for additional prison time for Lanez. Those included his “use of a semi-automatic firearm” and the Traumazine rapper’s “vulnerability as a victim.” The judge declined on the third factor of “Lanez’s callousness and the great bodily harm he caused Megan Thee Stallion.”
A victim impact statement was read by the DA on the “Savage” rapper’s behalf. In it, she stated how her decision not to show up in person should be perceived as “preserving her mental health,” and that since the shooting: “I have not experienced a single day of peace. He lied to anyone that would listen.” The Houston rapper also made it clear that she believed Lanez has shown no remorse and that his sentence will hopefully send a message to every woman of violence
The statement went on to say:
“He not only shot me, he made a mockery of my trauma. He tried to position himself as a victim and set out to destroy my character and my soul. He lied to anyone that would listen and paid bloggers to disseminate false information about the case on social media. He released music videos and songs to damage my character and continue his crusade.
“At first, he tried to deny the shooting ever happened. Then, he attempted to place the blame on my former best friend. In his tantrum of lies, he’s blamed the system, blamed the press and, as of late, he’s using his childhood trauma to shield himself and avoid culpability.
“For once, the defendant must be forced to face the full consequences of his heinous actions and face justice.”
In December 2022, the “Say It” rapper was convicted of assault with a semiautomatic firearm on Megan Thee Stallion, having a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle and discharging a firearm with gross negligence. His lawyers have said they will file an appeal against his conviction.