"Too Pretty to Do Homework" shirt pulled: The controversial top, which sold for $10 and read, "I'm too pretty to do homework, so my brother has to do it for me," was sold on JCPenney's website. A Change.org user posted a petition demanding that the retailer stop selling the shirt, and it worked.
Black government workers call for end to drug war: A group representing black government employees, including a former DEA agent and member of the U.S. Marshals, has released a petition calling for an end to the drug war. It calls for "Federal investigation for solutions to eliminate the pretense and continued arrest and incarceration of African-Americans at extraordinarily disparate rates for drug-related charges," and for Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama to immediately end "racial bias drug enforcement operations, provide retroactive reduction in sentences for victims and suggest alternatives to incarceration that may in part, include a model to regulate and control the distribution of some drugs."
Lawsuit: NYPD stop-and-frisk program targets blacks, Latinos: The Huffington Post reports that a federal judge gave the green light Wednesday to a lawsuit accusing the New York Police Department of discriminating against blacks and Latinos with its stop-and-frisk policies aimed at reducing crime, citing evidence that officers are pressured to meet quotas and punished if they don't.
Colin Powell: Americans must guard against fear: Ten years after the Sept. 11 attacks, former Secretary of State Colin Powell told NPR, "Terrorists can't change who we are." Americans, he said, will only lose touch with the freedom-loving, open society we enjoy if we "take such counsel of our fears that we change who we are."
In other news: Libyan Rebels Rounding Up Black Africans.