In which we look back at simpler times:
OK, we’re fudging it a bit with this one, but it’s been a hell of a week, so we’re taking it all the way back to Tuesday—which, in 2017, feels like three years ago.
While Melania Trump was rocking her castastro-fit (with the Timbs, no less) and that orange buffoon was lobbing off-brand paper towels at Puerto Ricans like a dotard Marie Antoinette, Barack Obama delivered the sweetest anniversary speech to his wife, the queen of America, Michelle.
Michelle Obama, who was a featured speaker at a Pennsylvania conference for women, was in the middle of a talk with Shonda Rhimes when Rhimes hit her with the “Imma let you finish” before putting a recorded message from the former president on the screen.
“Not only have you been an extraordinary partner, not only have you been a great friend, somebody who could always make me laugh, somebody who would always make sure that I was following what I thought was right, but you have also been an example to our daughters and to the entire country,” Barack Obama said as our hearts—including the former first lady’s—spontaneously combusted.
You can watch the full video below. If you’re like me, you’ve watched it a solid eight times already, but it’s been the type of week where you might need number nine.