To Drudge, From a White Guy: Stop the Racist Nonsense

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Global Grind's Michael Skolnik says that the latest drummed-up controversy about President Obama is part of a "white-man-losing-power bulls—t rap."

Splashed across his website was a link to a 2007 video of then Senator Barack Obama giving a speech at Hampton University in front of the nation's top black clergy. In this speech, Senator Obama speaks of the plight of poor America. After "Money" Mitt's damaging 47 percent video (which was seen 2.5 million times more on YouTube than Romney's convention speech), conservatives having been digging in the crates looking for anything that might stick against the wall. Drudge tries to play this one off as if this video has never been seen before. But Drudge, we've seen this video. FIVE YEARS AGO! You already tried this trick. You already tried to play this card. You already doubled down on your white man losing power bullsh[—] rap.

This is your last, sad attempt to kick and scream and try to grab onto an America that is passing you by. An America that is proud to have elected a black President. An America that is yearning to be post-racial. An aspiration. Knowing we are not there yet, we certainly will not be impeded by you and your Fox News comrades who want to peddle racist propaganda to any angry white person who you are leading to believe that they need to take America back …

As a white man, a privileged white man just like you, I will stand up to your nonsense, and continue to promote an inclusive, compassionate nation. For we are not a divided states of America, we are the United States of America. We are America, the beautiful.

Read Michael Skolnik's entire piece at Global Grind.

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