Black Enterprise is giving out pointers to owners of black hair salons that will help them stay in business in a down economy. The first tip is to require stylists to brush up on their skills. They should know how to do natural hair, not just traditional chemical processes and weaves, so that they can service a range of clients. Black salon owners should also offer consultations to clients thinking about transitioning from chemically processed hair to natural hair. This can aid in getting new clients and giving them information about hair care that they need. The magazine also suggests selling products in the salon that customers are looking for, which offers another income stream. Salon owners need to improve scheduling — i.e., stop stacking clients. Waiting for hours to get your hair done is the product of a bygone era. Clients expect to be in and out in a reasonable amount of time. Not only is it bad manners and disrespectul of your client's time, but keeping clients waiting also lowers retention.
Find out more tips at Black Enterprise.