Updated 8/29/2023 at 3:30 p.m E.T
Tiffany Gomas, also known as “crazy airplane lady,” was approached by TMZ after getting off a seemingly unproblematic plane ride to LAX - where she originally had her viral meltdown.
Gomas told TMZ it felt good to be traveling again but explained she had “a little bit of anxiety,” in between nervous chuckles. When asked the million-dollar question, “What did you see?” her response offered no further clarification.
“Thanks for asking that, but I have been told I cannot comment on that right now, sorry,” Gomas responded. In translation, her attorney may have told her to keep hush on the topic. “I was distressed. I was getting off the plane no matter what. I just probably didn’t need to make the scene that I made but... I was getting off that plane for sure.”
Gomas said she’s been trying to lay low but she believes a full-fledged interview is going to have to happen sometime in the future. In the meantime, she mentioned working on nonprofit or charity initiatives. For all we know, she could’ve witnessed one of those non-human “biologics” the government was talking about.
Who is She?
The Karen who went viral in July for having a bizarre airplane meltdown where she professed “that motherf****r back there is not real” has been identified. Tiffany Gomas, of Dallas, was eventually escorted off the plane which led to hours of delays for others according to new police documents.
Before she exited the plane, Gomas told her fellow passengers: “You can sit on this plane and you can f***ing die with them or not. I’m not going to.” The documents state: “The female then started claiming the aircraft was not safe and did not want the aircraft to leave due to her believing it would not make it to its destination.
“Due to the statements the flight attendants felt the aircraft needed to be rescreened. [The airline manager] explained that the passenger was denied boarding and they wanted her escorted to the public side.” In other words, TSA was forced to conduct a full rescreening of the aircraft due to the nature of Gomas’ claims.
The rescreening caused passengers on Flight 1009 from Fort Worth to Orlando to be hours late to their destination. Gomas is a marketing executive who is the former vice president of Elevate Brand Marketing. She also is a graduate of Oklahoma State University.
Previous Reporting:
Y’all, I thought we were done with this Karen after the initial hype. The white woman who went viral for having a meltdown on an American Airlines flight has since gone double platinum as TikTok viewers began theorizing what her tirade was about.
My Fourth of July weekend timeline was filled with fireworks, sarcastic patriotism and of course, theories about this damn white lady. The New York Post reported the unnamed woman started a commotion on the flight as the plane was already leaving the gate in a spout over her AirPods. Two passengers on the flight made additional videos explaining she accused a Black man sitting next to her of stealing them. However, her final words before making her exit seemed to haunt the internet.
“I don’t give two fucks, but I am telling you right now [points to back of the plane] that motherfuker back there is NOT real,” she said.
Now, everybody and they mama has become invested into theorizing about what mother-fer she was talking about and of course, what wasn’t real about them. The biggest running theory across all of TikTok is that she wasn’t trippin off the alcohol. They say she saw a shapeshifting-reptilian-demon-skinwalker of sorts.
One commentator, with quite a compelling storytelling voice, gained over 5 million views on an unconfirmed finding that the woman had since gone missing since the video went viral.
And no one has any GAHTdamn videos of this alleged shapeshifter alien they claim made this woman jump out of her seat. One video zoomed in on a young white man in a green hoodie sitting in the aisle seat of the woman’s row in a claimed that through the gritty pixelation his eyes changed form.
This whole thing has become the living plot of a horror movie - when the damsel in distress sees something spooky that no one else can. There are no reports with any information on who the passenger is and to be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was in hiding given the unbelievable amount of publicity.