Memorial Day is an unofficial marker that the year is almost half over, that the bathing suit you swore you would fit into come summertime still doesn’t fit, and that your New Year’s resolution to work out every day … well, yeah, see above-mentioned bathing suit.
But don’t let the gloomy blues of life get you down; Memorial Day is about sun and cookouts and mall sales on items you don’t really need. It’s about shorts and tank tops and flip-flops, and while the actual holiday is a day set forth for remembrance of those who gave their lives while serving the country, the final Monday in May is also a day to forget—a day to forget our collective diets, along with bills and promises of betterment. That what dusty grills and the scent of burning charcoal and of summer afford us.
It’s a day to remind us that the days we have lost this year and the promises broken no longer matter. That bathing suit will become just another reminder of work left on the table, but today, eat something ridiculous, laugh as if you’re being paid to, get up and learn how to do the Wobble, or find someone who doesn’t know how and teach that person.
But while you’re forgetting your troubles, remember that there are families around the U.S. who can’t stop remembering, who can’t stop remembering loved ones who lost their lives in service to the nation. So dance for them, because it’s the least you can do, and get back to worrying about life on Tuesday.