Tiger Woods Learning Center Comes to D.C.

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In a statement released by the Tiger Woods Foundation, the pro-golfer announced that his charity will be establishing two Tiger Woods Learning Center campuses in Washington, D.C. in collaboration with the Cesar Chavez Public Charter Schools for Public Policy. Construction of the campuses should be completed by mid-August and they are set to open by October 2010. An article by the Washington Post reported the following:

Woods has one learning center open in Anaheim, Calif., where underprivileged children in grade 5 through high school concentrate not on golf, but take classes ranging from forensic science to graphic design. Officials from Woods's foundation intended to open a similar center in Washington — and still may do so — but struggled to find an appropriate, affordable piece of property to rent, renovate or buy.

"What we've decided to do was to commit to the campus model right now," Greg McLaughlin, CEO of the Tiger Woods Foundation, said by phone. "And then I think we're going to evaluate from there and see exactly how well it's working out. But we absolutely have not ruled out doing a bigger facility, by any means."

SOURCEWashington Post
