Tiger Mom: Her Daughter Is Headed to Harvard

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Glynnis MacNichol of Business Insider is reporting that Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld, the daughter of Amy Chua, aka Tiger Mom, has been accepted at Harvard University. Chua's parenting book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, ignited controversy over some of the tactics she used to get the most out of her children. Her parenting tactics were described as "overly strict" and abusive by some critics. Others felt that her no-nonsense brand of parenting was exactly what kids needed in an increasingly competitive environment.

Chua has been vindicated to some extent by producing an Ivy Leaguer with her tactics. Many may not agree with Chua's parenting style, but it is hard to deny the outcome, which is stellar. Even though other groups practice similar, strict approaches to parenting, it is Chua who has been blasted on the world stage.

Perhaps we should focus on what Tiger Mom is doing that is working, as opposed to dismissing her parenting tactics as harsh and unnecessary. What's really harsh and unnecessary: underachieving and poorly behaved teenagers who don't stand a chance without consistent guidance.


Read more at Business Insider.

In other news: Ivory Coast: Gbagbo Negotiating His Surrender.

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