Yale Law School professor and self-proclaimed “tiger mom” Amy Chua didn’t just publicly defend Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his sexual assault allegations, calling him a “mentor of young women,” she wrote a whole ass op-ed in defense of the “I Liked Beer. I Still Like Beer” Supreme Court judge.
Well, what do you know?! Looks like Chua’s daughter, Yale Law graduate Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld, will serve under Kavanaugh’s stewardship beginning this summer.
To be fair, Chua-Rebenfeld was supposed to clerk for Kavanaugh when he was a federal appeals court judge but Trump’s appointment to the Supreme Court shook that up, according to the Associated Press.
Chua, the author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, which is basically a treatise on how to raise your children with Chua’s intense Chinese style of parenting, wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal praising Kavanaugh, noting that she’d helped eight women and two men get jobs in his office.
“These days the press is full of stories about powerful men exploiting or abusing female employees. That makes it even more striking to hear Judge Kavanaugh’s female clerks speak of his decency and his role as a fierce champion of their careers,” Chua wrote, AP reports.
The funny part about Chua’s essay was that it was published before women came forward “alleging Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her during a party decades ago, when both were teenagers.” Allegations that Kavanaugh angrily denied, according to AP.
From AP:
Chua faced criticism that her essay was self-serving and that her daughter was virtually guaranteed a Supreme Court job with Kavanaugh. Chua-Rubenfeld responded on Twitter last year that she wouldn’t be applying for a Supreme Court clerkship “anytime soon” because she had to fulfill her military service obligation after attending college on an ROTC scholarship.
Well, it looks like all that military obligation bullshit is out of the window now that Big Beer Kavanaugh has that Supreme Court robe on. Guess the tiger mom-style is to do whatever it takes to get ahead and a Supreme Court law clerk looks mighty nice on a resume.