On the heels of the nonindictment of then-Ferguson, Mo., police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown, on Wednesday night a grand jury in New York City handed down a nonindictment in the choke hold death of Eric Garner at the hands of police Officer Daniel Pantaleo.
Demonstrators took to the streets to share their outrage. Others took to social media and used hashtags such as #ICantBreathe and #CrimingWhileWhite to join those on the front lines.
On Thursday at approximately 12 p.m., The Root will moderate a Twitter discussion using the hashtag #ThisMustStop. This conversation will not only allow a conversation on what the next course of action should be regarding the number of black lives that are lost almost on a daily basis because of police brutality, but will also generate ideas and thoughts on how to remedy this issue.
#ThisMustStop because black lives matter. Join us and have your voice heard: Tweet with us @TheRoot.