Once again President Carole “That Bitch” Baskin is continuing to blame everything coronavirus related on governors and the Obama administration.
According to the president, who has been thoroughly fact-checked by the Associated Press, shortages in coronavirus testing are the fault of governors and the Obama administration, while somehow all of the “relatively low death rates in the U.S.” are a victory for his team.
“They don’t want to use all of the capacity that we’ve created. We have tremendous capacity...They know that. The governors know that. The Democrat governors know that; they’re the ones that are complaining,” Trump said during a press briefing Saturday.
The truth is that Democrats aren’t the only ones complaining about COVID-19 testing: everyone, which includes Republicans, has complained about the lack of testing.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s favorite infectious disease expert and the only truth-teller during these press briefings, literally said that the U.S. doesn’t have “the critical testing and tracing procedures needed to begin reopening the nation’s economy.”
“We have to have something in place that is efficient and that we can rely on, and we’re not there yet,” Fauci said.
Adding, that the U.S. doesn’t have the capabilities to rapidly test for the virus and he is concerned that there will be new outbreaks if social distancing is eased.
The AP also pointed out that “[Fauci’s] concerns are echoed by several Republicans,” which would include Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon, a Republican, who on Friday noted that “his state’s testing capacity was inadequate and urged a larger role for the federal government.”
“It’s a perilous set of circumstances trying to figure out how to make this work, and until we’ve got the testing up to speed — which has got to be part of the federal government stepping in and helping — we’re just not going to be there.”
That position is echoed by Republican Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, who called the lack of testing “probably the No. 1 problem in America, and has been from the beginning of this crisis.”
“And I can tell you, I talk to governors on both sides of the aisle nearly every single day,” he said on CNN’s State of the Union.
“The administration, I think, is trying to ramp up testing, and trying — they are doing some things with respect to private labs. But to try to push this off to say that the governors have plenty of testing, and they should just get to work on testing, somehow we aren’t doing our job, is just absolutely false. ”
More Trump lies debunked by AP:
TRUMP: “We inherited a broken, terrible system.” — news briefing Saturday.
THE FACTS: His repeated insistence that the Obama administration is to blame for initial delays in testing is wrong. The novel coronavirus did not exist until late last year, so there was no test to inherit.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention instead struggled to develop its own test for the coronavirus in January, later discovering problems in its kits sent to state and county public health labs in early February.
It took the CDC more than two weeks to come up with a fix to the test kits, leading to delays in diagnoses through February, a critical month when the virus took root in the U.S. Not until Feb. 29 did the FDA decide to allow labs to develop and use their own coronavirus diagnostic tests before the agency reviews them, speeding up the supply. Previously, the FDA had only authorized use of a government test developed by the CDC.
Meantime the U.S. bypassed a test that the World Health Organization quickly made available internationally. Trump has said that test was flawed; it wasn’t.
Trump’s two go-to statements—Obama and everyone else not named Trump—are no longer working, and currently, Trump is still no. 1 on America’s most hated list, but as the Michael Jordan documentary keeps rolling out, former Chicago Bulls general manager Jerry Krause is closing in.