William C.C. Kemp-Neal’s career as an Assistant District Attorney (ADA) might be over after he was caught allegedly trying to meet up with a minor in the Bronx, New York. Footage of the scheduled meet-up was posted by the group Dads Against Predators (DAP) online.
In his role as ADA, Neal mostly handled cases involving harassment, assault, and child endangerment. Only days after the video hit the internet, Neal turned in his resignation to the Bronx District Attorney’s office, according to the New York Post.
In the video, Neal is seen standing outside of a Target when he is approached by two men clearly filming the whole thing. After one of the men says to Neal “Marcus? How old are you?” the former ADA took off running.
The same man began shouting “this man right here came to meet a 13-year-old boy” as he continued to chase 30-year-old Neal into the Target parking lot. It almost seemed like Neal was going to get away until an unrelated bystander wrestled the former ADA to the ground and put him in a choke hold.
When DAP finally caught up to him, Neal immediately began denying everything. The man asked Neal “You trying to meet a 13-year-old boy? You wanted to take him to get a milkshake, didn’t you Marcus?” In response, Neal told DAP “no I didn’t.”
According to DAP, Neal was allegedly communicating with said 13-year-old online before their scheduled meet up. Instead of the minor allegedly showing up to get milkshakes, DAP confronted Neal.
Four days after the footage was released online, Neal quit his job. Although he hasn’t spoke about why he resigned publicly, many online are assuming the allegations against him contributed to his decision.
Even though Neal has not been charged with a crime, according to Black Enterprise, police said there will be a “comprehensive investigation” into the allegations made.