This Is Really Weird: Steve Bannon Wrote a Hip-Hop Play

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In arguably the most perplexing twist to hit the Trump administration yet—and trust me, I know that’s saying a lot—the internet has unearthed a hip-hop musical about the Los Angeles riots written by white nationalist, chief strategist and real president of the United States, the man whom Trump calls Papa, Steve Bannon.

I. Wish. I. Was. Joking.

Apparently, the entire manuscript of The Thing I Am was found by NowThis, which got real actors to do a table read of the work, which A.V. Club believes was Bannon’s “attempt to remake Shakespeare’s Coriolanus as a rap musical.”

I watched most of it so that you don’t have to, and it has to be the dumbest shit I ever witnessed, and that’s with actual actors doing their best to work with this bullshit.


Characters are one-dimensional, with names like Stink Eye, and more importantly, Baby Gangsta speaks a cross between Shakespearean and street: “Abandon hope all ye who fuck with her.”


Before I ruin it for you, watch below:


Read more at NowThis and A.V. Club.