This Is Probably the Dumbest Tweet Ever Tweeted by a Father (Besides a Trump Tweet)

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Eric Weinstein’s Twitter bio says he’s the managing director for Thiel Capital. Weinstein’s tweet says that he’s a father to a daughter, and he apparently has issues with women in the workplace complaining about discrimination.

Apparently, Weinstein has no issue with women sitting idly by and suffering at work while being harassed, and doesn’t care that women aren’t paid equally. God forbid Weinstein’s daughter does land a coding job and she’s not paid the same as her male counterparts.

The crux of the issue seems to be that Weinstein is upset that Google fired the person who wrote a manifesto blasting women in tech:


What do you think Weinstein will tell his daughter? “Honey, don’t worry. At least you have a job. No need in complaining to HR.”

Weinstein’s tweet didn’t sit well with many people on social media, and rightly so:


Dear Weinstein’s Daughter:

You do not have to accept misogyny. No matter what your dad says.


Someone who wishes you had a dad who gave better advice