Please think about what I am about to say: An American mayor was assigned security after a public feud with the president of the United States, because the American mayor needed protection from the sycophants who follow the president.
According to Ohio’s Dayton Daily News, Nan Whaley “was assigned a security detail for just the third time while serving as Dayton’s mayor.”
While officials wouldn’t provide many details, the newspaper found that a two-person detective team was assigned to watch over the mayor for at least six days after she received “angry and abusive phone calls and messages via email and social media.”
“We cannot reveal what type of security has been or will be provided,” a police spokesman told the Dayton Daily News. The mayor’s security has since been scaled back.
In the past, Whaley has received threats “for her support of gay marriage and refugee-friendly policies,” which led to increased security, the newspaper reports.
Whaley notes that her comments against Trump drew the most security she’s ever had.
“This is the most extensive security I’ve ever had,” she said. “They are here for my safety, and if they think it’s important, than I think it’s important.”
From the Daily News:
On Aug. 7, Whaley, President Trump and U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, visited shooting victims, survivors and first responders at Miami Valley Hospital.
Whaley and Brown held a press conference afterward where both said they urged the president to support and sign legislation in the Senate requiring background checks on gun purchases and other reforms.
Whaley said the first responders and victims were grateful the president came to Dayton.
Later that day, Trump on Twitter said he had a “warm and wonderful” visit to Dayton, but Whaley and Brown “misrepresented” what took place inside the hospital.
“Their news conference after I left for El Paso was a fraud,” the tweet says. “It bore no resemblance to what took place with those incredible people that I was so lucky to meet and spend time with.”
The Daily News reports that during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, the mayor noted that she didn’t know WTF Trump’s tweet was talking about but added that it proves he’s both a “bully and a coward.”
Because the followers of Trump like to threaten people, Whaley’s social media was flooded with death threats and her work phone blew up with Trumpers leaving all kinds of hate-filled, threatening messages.
“Get the hell out of this country you disrespectful trash. Treason is death,” reads one message.
“You’ll face Christ one day and I hate to say this but I will have no sympathy for you when you go to hell,” another message reads.
The newspaper reviewed several messages and found dozens containing “extremely abusive language and expletive-laced insults.”
So Dayton law director Barbara Doseck and city commission office director Ariel Walker decided that Whaley’s security needed to be beefed up for her protection.
“I respected the president and the office of the president, but I strongly want him to do something and the people of Dayton want him to do something, and so it’s my job to say that,” Whaley said.
Too bad the president and his followers are snowflakes who can’t keep the conversation above board.