President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration is set to take place on Jan. 20, 2025—the same day America will observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Interestingly enough, a prestigious HBCU marching band is set to perform at the event.
Naturally, Black Twitter has already reacted to the news.
The Mean Green Marching Machine of Mississippi Valley State University, an HBCU that was founded in 1946, shared its plan to appear at the inauguration. In fact, the band even started a GoFundMe campaign seeking assistance with travel expenses from Itta Bena, Mississippi, to Washington D.C.
Trump, who has a history of denigrating Black people, has repeatedly stated he has advocated for the Black community and even compared himself to Abraham Lincoln. Once news broke that the Marching Machine was on board to perform at the capital next month, Black Twitter shared its thoughts.
Bishop Talbert Swan, who goes by @TalbertSwan on X, expressed the hypocrisy of the school’s decision. “Mississippi Valley State University has a proud history of standing up for Black history, equity, and justice,” he wrote.
“However, accepting an invitation to perform at Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration on Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a disgraceful betrayal of that legacy.”
Even though Swan made a valid point, not everyone agreed that the marching band should pass up the opportunity to perform. One X user, @JayVTheGreat, said that MSVU should seize this opportunity.
“These kids deserve to go perform on one of the largest stages in history,” they wrote. “Y’all think they’re supposed to throw away this opportunity for some mf*kas that are more concerned about upsetting their Democrat base? Hell naw!”
Another user, @TeNaCiOuSTAIL, had a different perspective and was more concise in his reaction to the band performing. “MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY, PLEASE SAY NO!!!” they wrote.
A different online personality was more elaborate in her reasoning for not wanting the university to work in conjunction with the Trump administration. The user, @mamaafreeka, cited Trump’s history of deprioritizing HBCUs.
During his first presidential term, Trump proposed over $100 million in cuts to HBCU programs. However, they managed to secure funding because of the House and Senate’s bipartisan support.
“Will someone tell Mississippi Valley State University that this is not the time to accept an invitation to march in the parade to celebrate a man that will do everything in his power to ruin HBCUs!!!!” @mamaafreeka tweeted.
So far, the school has raised nearly $57,000 out of the $70,000 they set as their goal.