This Christian Couple Says a Sexless Marriage Is Holier

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'What is the point of marriage if you're not having sex with your spouse? In a piece at BlackAmericaWeb, Michael H. Cottman ponders a couple's commitment to abstinence after wedlock.

I thought the reasoning for marriage, in part, was to spend quality time with your soul mate, which also includes monogamous sexual intimacy.

But Jon and Darla Crocker, who have been married for two years, never consummated their marriage. What do I mean? They have never had sex.

"If it was holy before," Darla says, "it must be double-holy afterwards."

What does "double-holy" mean anyway? Do they really believe they'll get additional brownie points from God because they are not having sex after marriage? But Jon and Crocker have been husband and wife for 25 months of marriage without any sexual contact.

Sometimes after dinner they will kiss in the kitchen and "start having bedroom thoughts," Darla says, but they never fail to pull back. Darla breaks away to spray cool, misted water on her face. Jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood.

What? This has gone from strange to downright crazy.

Editor's note: Cottman's piece is no longer available at BlackAmericaWeb. The article about an abstinent married couple that he referenced in his blog entry originated on a humor website called and is not based in fact. 

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