Why make the incoming president any richer by supporting his businesses? Now there's an app that'll help you boycott President-elect Orangina's companies, as well as those companies that support him.
Boycott Trump is a free app created by the Democratic Coalition Against Trump and has more than 250 businesses that are affiliated with Trump.
“This app is a first step in our larger Boycott Trump campaign, which will feature a unified grassroots movement centered on holding companies and individuals that help Trump in any way accountable,” Nate Lerner, executive director of Democratic Coalition Against Trump, told the Huffington Post. “The campaign is all about empowerment. … By doing so, we aim to give people a safe and productive way to voice their disapproval of Trump. We’ve accepted Trump won the election, but that doesn’t mean we have to accept everything he stands for.”
The companies listed include clothing stores like Belk, which sells Ivanka Trump items, as well as Amazon.com. Also, if you're a fan of the Buffalo Bills, Rex Ryan is a proud Trump supporter. And you may not want to crack open a can of Coors while watching football, being that its chairman, Pete Coors, also endorsed Trump. Finally, Tom Brady should have been boycotted a long time ago. Now you have an even better reason to.
The app is available in the Google Play Store and on iTunes.