Snowflakes on the right have reached a new low after a conservative columnist called for a boycott of Girl Scout Cookies because freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) used to be a Girl Scout.
I. Wish. I. Was. Kidding.
According to the Hill, conservative Do-si-do, Jane Chastain published her boo-boo ass article on the World Net Daily, calling for a boycott of the popular cookies because the Girl Scouts today “are a far cry from those of my youth, which trained us to put God and country before everything else.
“Today, God in the Girl Scout promise has an asterisk, meaning the great I AM and His moral absolutes can be replaced by anything, including oneself,” Chastain wrote, the Hill reports.
She then went on to shame the organization whose motto is “building girls of courage, confidence, and character” for promoting Ocasio-Cortez as a successful alum of the group.
“Before you decide to embrace an International Women’s Day celebration or buy the cookies, ask yourself, ‘Will the country be better off with more representatives like the young socialist Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez?’,” Chastain said.
I would just like to note here that Ocasio-Cortez did the impossible, going from bartender to congresswoman and seems to incite a level of annoyance on the right not seen since a black senator from Chicago ran for president.
Even Ocasio-Cortez found the absurd article humorous.
In a post on Twitter Thursday, Ocasio-Cortez included a screenshot of Chastain’s article, writing, “Boycotting cookies that teach little girls leadership skills to own the libs, nice job,” with a thumbs up emoji, the Hill reports.
Ocasio-Cortez added in a follow-up tweet that she’s “extraordinarily proud of the role my constituents have played in helping to establish + support Troop 6000, the first-ever @girlscouts troop for girls experiencing homelessness.”