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These Are the Worst TV/Film Dads

These Are the Worst TV/Film Dads

As we celebrate the good fathers and father figures in our lives, let us be especially glad none of them are like any of the ones on this list.

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Screenshot: YouTube/Derrbearr 2.0

Happy Father’s Day weekend! We here at The Root want to start by sending well wishes and good vibes to those of you who are honoring the father and father figures in your life. In the same breath, we also want to go against the grain for a second and highlight 10 TV/film Dads who arguably shouldn’t be getting a new tie or new socks on this holiday. Your Dad or Dad-like person may be corny from time to time, but at least they aren’t like the ones on this list! So count your blessings!


Let’s start with the man who was literally deemed the worst TV dad back in 2021: Frank Mitchell. I know the argument may be that Frank was just annoying as hell and always found some business other than his own to get into but he had our girl Mo STRESSED. I’ve got to second and third this and keep him at the top of this trash list.

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Will’s Dad Lou, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Will’s Dad Lou, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

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Screenshot: Charles Bentley/YouTube

I will never—and I repeat—never get the episode that Will’s dad Lou came to Bel-Air out of my head. I for one have been on the receiving end of broken promises from a parent more times than I care to share, so this automatically makes the list.

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Joe Jackson, The Jacksons: An American Dream

Joe Jackson, The Jacksons: An American Dream

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Screenshot: Movieclipguy1/YouTube

Joe Jackson is a lie, and he’s a cheat! And “wedon’twanthim, wedon’twanthim, wedon’twanthim no mo’!” And that’s EXACTLY why he deserves to be on this list. If you know, you know.

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Ghost, Power

Ghost, Power

Image for article titled These Are the Worst TV/Film Dads
Screenshot: STARZ/Youtube

Although this man had, dare I say it—power—in the city, he consistently put his family in harm’s way and drove his son to go down the same reckless path. 0/10 would recommend.

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John Harris Sr., Waiting to Exhale

John Harris Sr., Waiting to Exhale

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Screenshot: D Slam/YouTube

This man cheated on Angela Bassett’s Bernadine with a..*checks notes* WHITE WOMAN and tried to take their children away from her—even though he wasn’t a present father in their lives or their home. Immediately no. (Also, let me know when y’all are ready to have that conversation about how Michael Beach always tends to play shitty characters so well.)

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Kanan, Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Kanan, Power Book III: Raising Kanan

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Photo: Chrollo Lucilfer/YouTube

This man killed his own son. ‘Nuff said.

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Luscious Lyon, Empire

Luscious Lyon, Empire

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Screenshot: Tre’Von Yates/YouTube

Luscious quite literally threw his only gay son in the trash can when he was little and continued to lowkey traumatize him—and the rest of his sons, to be real—for the rest of their adult lives. I get it, he was trying to make them great and “teach them lessons,” but come on now. “I gotta put me first, Luscious” and for that reason: you’re going on this list.

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Rowan ‘Papa Pope’, Scandal

Rowan ‘Papa Pope’, Scandal

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Screenshot: CollegeGirlKEY/YouTube

I won’t lie: I was conflicted putting Papa Pope on this list! I know, I know! He ran a covert government agency that tried to take out the President and assert himself and his daughter in power—I get it! But the monologues!! You just don’t find good monologues like this on TV anymore, come back Papa Pope!

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Julius, Everybody Hates Chris

Julius, Everybody Hates Chris

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Screenshot: The Nostalgia Guy/YouTube

HE. WAS. CHEAP. Next candidate.

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Alton Saint, Snowfall

Alton Saint, Snowfall

Image for article titled These Are the Worst TV/Film Dads
Photo: Woody T/YouTube

There’s absolutely no denying that Alton’s complicated history and mangled up future made it difficult for him to mend fences with his son and ex-wife. And this scene alone says it all. Prayers down for you, Alton.

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Bill Thomas, What’s Happening

Bill Thomas, What’s Happening

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Screenshot: Classic TV Rewind/YouTube

Now there’s no way as a grown man you were OK with having a revolving door relationship with your kids to where you just come and go in and out their lives as you please. This coupled with the fact that his return was mostly driven by ways he could get over on Rog and Dee’s mother, definitely makes him a contender on this list.

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Troy, Fences

Troy, Fences

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Screenshot: Movieclips/YouTube

Look, I understand a dream deferred makes the heart fester, sag like a heavy load and eventually explode. But the way Troy let his own life disappointments tailor the decisions he made towards and treatment he gave towards his children is borderline unforgiveable.

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Bennie Upshaw, The Upshaws

Bennie Upshaw, The Upshaws

Image for article titled These Are the Worst TV/Film Dads
Screenshot: Netflix Is a Joke/YouTube

The thing that bothers me about Bennie Upshaw is the fact that he only seems to take himself seriously. He barely listens to his wife and children, nor really takes their dreams, goals, or desires into serious consideration. Plus he barely likes going to work, even though he loves to say he owns his own business. Make it make sense!

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Pa Harris, The Color Purple

Pa Harris, The Color Purple

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Screenshot: IMDB

Any man who calls himself a father but raises his hand against children deserves to be on the “Ain’t Shit” list, so need I say more?

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Old Mister, The Color Purple

Old Mister, The Color Purple

Image for article titled These Are the Worst TV/Film Dads
Screenshot: Michael Angelo/YouTube

Mister from The Color Purple had to learn his abusive ways from someone! And in this case, the apple really didn’t fall far from the tree. Looking at you angrily, Old Mister.
