On Monday, The Talk resumed its regularly scheduled programming after a monthlong hiatus following the internal investigation into the heated exchange that took place live on TV between Sharon Osbourne and her co-host Sheryl Underwood.
Deadline reports that the show’s discussion, which included an in-depth examination of racism and the events that took place March 10, was moderated by diversity expert Donald E. Grant and opened the floor for both Underwood and co-host Elaine Welteroth to express their thoughts.
“I didn’t want to escalate things with Sharon because I thought I was having a conversation with a friend,” Sheryl expressed in part. “But also, I knew I had to be an example for others to follow because I didn’t want to be perceived as ‘The Angry Black Woman.’ And that really scared me, I didn’t want to be that. I wanted to remain calm and remain focused. It’s difficult to go back to that day because I just feel the trauma.”
Welteroth, who publicly acknowledged and commended Sheryl on her strength and composure on that day added: “I was just really entering that conversation with the hope of finding common ground and I didn’t feel that I was heard. Which saddened me. [Because] part of the reason I joined this show with all these diverse, intelligent women [is that] I thought we had an opportunity here and I think we do have an opportunity here to have conversations that help show people how we can bridge these divides in our country. And that we can do it with empathy.”
Prior to the show’s return, we’ve been keeping you abreast of all the latest developments between Osbourne and Underwood including Sharon’s ultimate “decision” to leave The Talk and Sheryl’s admission that the two allegedly haven’t spoken since that day. Osbourne tried to disprove Sheryl’s claim, reading off a series of texts she allegedly sent to Sheryl but due to CBS’ internal investigation, Underwood did not respond.
You can catch The Talk weekdays at 2p.m. ET on CBS.