The Sunken Place Has Good Wi-Fi, so Now We Have (Not So) Deep Tweets by Kanye West

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(Not So) Deep Tweets by Kanye West

What is there left to say about Kanye West that hasn’t been said? If you’ve been living under a rock, or care enough about yourself to take social media sabbaticals, then you may not be aware that Kanye is out here tweeting everything he can think of. From theories on love to support of Donald Trump, no topic is off-limits for Ye’s Twitter fingers.

I denounce anyone who actively supports your president, Donald Trump, especially when that person is black. Kanye, I just don’t know what to do or say, so I’ll just go with my default: humor. It’s often said that we laugh to keep from crying. So I’ll do that. Check out this video of Kanye’s tweets in the style of Saturday Night Live legend Jack Handey’s “Deep Thoughts.”
