One Alabama couple is celebrating the arrival of their newborn son who was born in one of the sweetest spots in town. With the help of her partner Keon Mitchell, Sha’nya Bennett delivered their son Dallas in a car outside of a Krispy Kreme store in Dothan, Alabama on January 22, according to WTVY.
Bennett says she began having contractions as an unusual but powerful snowstorm hit the area, leaving nearly half of a foot of snow in an area that isn’t used to that level of accumulation. The couple headed to the hospital with 911 on the line.
But as the snow and ice made conditions on the road increasingly dangerous, Keon and Sha’nya were forced to pull into a Krispy Kreme parking lot located about a mile away from the hospital. Mom said the combination of her contractions and the conditions on the road made her a little nervous, but added that she was proud of how her partner stayed calm under pressure.
“It definitely slowed us down,” Bennett told NBC 10 WJAR. “And [Keon] was driving, so I was scared he was going to start panicking and start driving fast, but he did very good.”
Bennett says once they got to the Krispy Kreme, she couldn’t stop pushing, so she knew it wouldn’t be long before her baby would make his grand entrance. With an assist from 911 operators, Keon delivered the baby in their car. By the time paramedics showed up on the scene, Dallas was born.
“I really don’t know how I stayed calm because I was really scared,” Mitchell said about delivering Dallas. “But now I feel like I could really be a doctor.”
Although the donut shop was closed at the time of Dallas’ birth because of the storm, the store manager promised Mitchell and Bennett free donuts for a year and offered the store as a location for Dallas’ first birthday party in 2026, according to WTVY.