The Rev. Jesse Jackson negotiates prisoner release: The president of Gambia agreed to release two prisoners to Jackson's custody because of his respect for the civil rights leader, Ebony reports.
Presidential polls show conflicting results: Bloomberg Business reports that a Pew Research Center survey of likely voters conducted Oct. 4-7 gave Republican nominee Mitt Romney a four- percentage point lead over President Barack Obama. Meanwhile, a Gallup poll of registered voters Oct. 2-8 showed Obama ahead of Romney by three points.
White supremacist seeks congressional seat: Daniel Johnson, a white supremacist with ties to Rep. Ron Paul, is running for an open congressional seat in Michigan as the candidate of a minor political party, the Huffington Post reports. Johnson's full racial platform can be heard here.
Uganda's leader has no plans to quit: Yoweri Museveni sees himself as "an aging revolutionary, a historic figure who fought in the bush and overthrew dark forces, and whose mission to transform Uganda is not finished, despite the fact he's been around for a quarter-century and is pushing 70," NPR reports.
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