Hi, have we met?
My name is Monique Judge, and I love avocados. I love avocado in all its forms. I eat tons of guacamole and avocado toast, and I always ask for “extra” avocado whenever I order a dish that comes with avocado in it. If I am making a salad, you can be sure that said salad will contain tons of avocado. I have even been known to slice an avocado open, sprinkle it with garlic salt or Tajin, and eat it straight out of the skin with a spoon.
Avocado is life.

Steve Barnard, president and chief executive of Mission Produce—the largest distributor and grower of avocados in the world—told Reuters that a potential shutdown of the U.S./Mexico border would cause the United States to run out of avocados in three weeks.
“You couldn’t pick a worse time of year because Mexico supplies virtually 100 percent of the avocados in the U.S. right now. California is just starting and they have a very small crop, but they’re not relevant right now and won’t be for another month or so,” Barnard said.
Bitch, this is the real national emergency. Get your little “president” on the phone. We need to talk.
According to Reuters, the United States imports nearly half of its vegetables and 40 percent of its fruit from Mexico. And let’s not even get into tequila, one of the most important imports of all.
Donald Trump said Friday that if Mexico did not stop immigrants from reaching the United States, there was a “very good likelihood” that he would close the border this week. Reuters posits that such a shutdown would not only disrupt millions of legal border crossings and asylum seekers, but it would bring to a halt to billions of dollars in trade—including about $137 billion in food imports.
Basically, your little “president” is out here fucking it up for everybody.
Get it together, Donald Trump.
I refuse to live without my beloved avocado toast.