Following the debacle after Keith Lee’s review of The Real Milk & Honey—a popular Atlanta-based restaurant—an apology has finally been issued to the popular online personality.
“We extend our apologies to all as we address a recent incident that highlighted a review from a high-profile food blogger. In no way were we trying to discredit anyone,” the official press release said. “If the comments came across as such, kindly accept out apologies.”
It continued: “It’s crucial to always take feedback and make improvement for the success of our business and our community. We’ve taken time to reflect on the incident and have started internal corrective actions with our team regarding communication styles.”
The drama began Friday (Oct. 27) when Lee shared his review of The Real Milk & Honey on Tik Tok and discussed their bad customer service as well as the fact that he and his family left without any food.
The restaurant’s rules were also at the center of discussion as they include no separate checks, no reservations, no parties more than four people, automatic 18% gratuities on checks over $75 and no alterations to any menu items regardless of allergies.
On Monday, Lee encouraged his followers not to send hate to restaurants he gave negative reviews to. He stated that some of those establishments have received death threats. The Real Milk & Honey’s initial response to the negative publicity was a bit of defensiveness.
“As a successful restauranteur/owner I never drag anyone’s business even if I had a disappointing moment because I have principles and I know how hard any business worked just to start,” the owner stated.
“I commend any business and any person that got off their ass and just tried. Keith there’s no love lost and We love you!” An actual apology to Lee, which was more thoughtful, followed shortly after.
The fact is if you have a business open to the public—the public has every right to critique it. Hopefully, The Real Milk & Honey actually learns from their missteps and offer better service in the future.