Fun fact: We are big advocates of self-love here at The Glow Up. And yes, that extends to becoming an expert at achieving your own pleasure. For real, for real: If you consider yourself a grown woman (or human), self-pleasure should be well-established in your skill set.
I clearly remember the purchase of my first vibrator: A close friend was appalled that I didn’t already own one, decided it was simply time and personally drove me to the shop to help me pick one out. From that day on, I’ve paid that favor forward with friends, relatives and even a few partners (because they’re fun for couples, too!).
The truth is, there’s nothing to be ashamed about when it comes to self-pleasuring, which is why we love hearing that one of our all-time faves, Janet Jackson, once passed along some good vibrations as Valentine’s Day presents for her dance crew. Or, at least, that’s the story Jenna Dewan, former Jackson backup dancer and current host of NBC’s World of Dance, told Jimmy Kimmel on his show Tuesday night:
She’s a very generous boss, so she would give us, like, amazing gifts. ... On Valentine’s Day—mind you, I’m 19, on tour with Janet; I’m baby-baby-baby naive—she gives you a box of, um … like, vibrators!
Ms. Jackson if you’re nasty, indeed!
Admittedly, we can’t say we’re surprised that the singer of “Throb” knows her way around a battery-operated device, but since she was a major part of the sexual awakening of many in my generation (including at least one contributing writer for The Root), we kind of love that she took her influence seriously enough to ensure that all of her crew were, um ... satisfied.